Saturday, May 18
Clifton Center
11:00 am & 1:30 pm shows

Recital Venue
Clifton Center
Holy Trinity Clifton Campus
2117 Payne Street, Louisville, KY 40206
Show Times: 11:00am & 1:30pm

Dress Rehearsals
There is a dress rehearsal for each show time. Your dancer is required to attend the dress rehearsal for the time of your show. If they are in both shows they are required to attend both dress rehearsals.
Clifton Center
Dress Rehearsal for 11:00am Show - Tuesday, May 14 @ 5:00pm
Dress Rehearsal for 1:30pm Show - Wednesday, May 15 @ 5:00pm
See show line up below.

Your performance fee includes 4 tickets to the show time your dancer is performing.We will be handing out the tickets at dress rehearsal.
If you need additional tickets please write dancers name, the number of tickets, the show time and include payment in an envelope and drop it off at the studio office or mailbox by office door BEFORE MAY 15. (Checks accepted until May 5 then studio only accepts cash.) Each additional ticket is $20.